Buy proxy for VK
Proxies for VK, the most popular social network in Russia, provide secure and stable access without traffic limitations.
Speed up to 1 Gbps
24/7 technical support
Anonymous proxies
API for developers
> Who needs proxies for Vk and why ?
Vk has long been not only a network for entertainment and communication, but also an effective platform for doing business.
Many professionals use its capabilities to develop and promote the brand of both an individual and a company, and the use of proxy servers helps to strengthen and accelerate these processes.
If you are engaged in promotion of accounts, selling advertising, placing videos, copywriting, leading Vkontakte groups, buying proxies is the only way for you to perform your tasks efficiently and effectively.
Proxy for VK allows you to get stable, safe and anonymous access to all the functionality of this social network.
Buying a proxy is easy
Step 1
Select tariff
Step 2
Confirm mail
Step 3
Pay for proxy
Step 4
Get a proxy
Instant Delivery
Get a proxy instantly. Choose a convenient format for uploading in your personal account.
IPv6 / Russia / 3 days / 20 pcs. / 30 Mbps
IPv6 / Russia / 3 days / 20 pcs. / 30 Mbps
Type of
Purchased proxies
Position 1:
IPv6 / Russia / 3 days / 20 pcs. / 30 Mbps
0.45 $
Position 2:
IPv6 / Russia / 3 days / 20 pcs. / 30 Mbps
0.45 $
Position 3:
IPv4 Shared / Australia / 3 months / 9999 pcs. / 30 Mbps
0.47 $
Position 4:
IPv4 Shared / Australia / 3 months / 9999 pcs. / 30 Mbps
33.88 $
Payment methods
Bank Cards
Mastercard, VISA, Maestro and others
Perfect Money
Service for instant payments and financial transactions
Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Dogecoin (DOGE)
Proxies for VK are necessary to bypass blocking and restrictions imposed by the social network. They allow you to hide your real IP address, increasing anonymity and security when working in VK. Proxies also help to increase the number of accounts and bots you manage on this platform.
High-speed dedicated IPv4 proxies are best suited for working with VK. They provide a stable connection and maximum performance.
It is recommended to bind no more than 5 VK accounts to one proxy IP address. If the number of accounts is higher, the risk of being blocked by VK increases.
Periodic change of proxy is vital to avoid VK blocking. It is recommended to change proxies every 2 weeks if you use them heavily or immediately after receiving suspicious activity alerts from VK support.
Yes, proxy server location can affect the stability and speed of work in VK. It is better to use proxies from the same countries/regions as the main audience of your activity in VK. For example, Russian proxies are optimal for working with Russian-speaking audience.
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