Buy Proxy for Windows 11
Our proxies guarantee fast and stable performance, allowing you to access any resource. With Proxy for Windows 11, you can work and play online confidently and safely wherever you are.
Speed up to 1 Gbps
24/7 technical support
Anonymous proxies
API for developers
> Why do you need a proxy for Windows 11
Proxy for Windows 11 is an excellent tool to protect your privacy and security on the Internet. With its help you can hide your real IP address, ensuring complete anonymity while surfing.
Our service offers high quality proxies for Windows 11, which are characterized by high speed and reliability. We guarantee full protection of your data and protection from hacker threats. You can choose any region to connect through our proxy server, providing convenient and safe access to resources from all over the world.
Buying a proxy is easy
Step 1
Select tariff
Step 2
Confirm mail
Step 3
Pay for proxy
Step 4
Get a proxy
Instant Delivery
Get a proxy instantly. Choose a convenient format for uploading in your personal account.
IPv6 / Russia / 3 days / 20 pcs. / 30 Mbps
IPv6 / Russia / 3 days / 20 pcs. / 30 Mbps
Type of
Purchased proxies
Position 1:
IPv6 / Russia / 3 days / 20 pcs. / 30 Mbps
0.45 $
Position 2:
IPv6 / Russia / 3 days / 20 pcs. / 30 Mbps
0.45 $
Position 3:
IPv4 Shared / Australia / 3 months / 9999 pcs. / 30 Mbps
0.47 $
Position 4:
IPv4 Shared / Australia / 3 months / 9999 pcs. / 30 Mbps
33.88 $
Payment methods
Bank Cards
Mastercard, VISA, Maestro and others
Perfect Money
Service for instant payments and financial transactions
Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Dogecoin (DOGE)
To install a proxy on Windows 11, follow these steps:
- Open Settings.
- Go to the Network & internet section.
- Click on Proxy.
- Turn on “Use a proxy server” and enter the address and port of the proxy server.
- Save your changes.
We recommend proxies for legitimate use only. Using a proxy for torrents may not be compatible with your ISP's rules. Please check your local laws and usage policies.
You can use the proxy on any device with Windows 11 installed. Make sure you have a stable internet connection.
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